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Assortert Variant, 11 g
NOK 5.40 /pc.
Brynild Badeball Kj.p.p
Brynild AS har levert informasjonen ovenfor.
alle dager
1 stykk
Sukker/socker, glykosesirup/glukossirap, surhetsregulerende middel/surhetsreglerande medel (sitronsyre/citronsyra), naturlig aroma, konsentrater/koncentrat (søtpotet/sötpotatis, eple/äpple, fargetistel/safflor, spirulina, gulrot/morot).
Brynild AS
1651 kJ / 388 kcal
0 g
0 g
97 g
72 g
0 g
0 g
Assortert Variant, 6 g, Swizzels
NOK 760.00 /kg
51 g, Swizzels
NOK 318.00 /kg
Assortert, 60 g, Malaco
NOK 448.33 /kg
3-pk, 60 g, Ferrero
NOK 795.00 /kg
145 g, Brynild
NOK 336.43 /kg
38 g, Smarties
NOK 352.63 /kg
23 g, Topps
NOK 1,590.00 /kg
Original, 18 g, Swizzels
NOK 490.00 /kg
NOK 477.14 /kg
38 g, MENTOS
NOK 510.00 /kg
28 ml, Brain Blasterz
NOK 796.67 /L
NOK 467.78 /kg
158 g, Smarties
NOK 318.99 /kg
17,5 g, Frisia
NOK 628.57 /kg
Assortert Variant, 26 g, Topps
NOK 1,096.67 /kg
3 stk, 75 g, Brynild
NOK 417.50 /kg
24 g, FREIA
NOK 670.00 /kg
70 g, Candy People
NOK 347.14 /kg