Add items through the week
If you drop things into your cart one by one through the week, your shopping will be almost done when you're ready to place your next order.
Våre popcorn er ekstra store, luftige og sprø. Nyt en lettere snacksopplevelse.
MAARUD AS har levert informasjonen ovenfor.
alle dager
75 gram
Maiskjerner, solsikkeolje, rapsolje, salt, aroma.
2032 kJ / 487 kcal
26 g
2.30 g
48 g
0.50 g
12 g
9.40 g
1.80 g
100 g, R
NOK 139.00 /kg
75 g, Maarud
NOK 402.67 /kg
90 g, Maarud
NOK 343.33 /kg
180 g
NOK 187.78 /kg
210 g, Cloetta
NOK 323.33 /kg
3pk, 300 g, R
NOK 76.00 /kg
160 g, Kims
NOK 221.88 /kg
200 g, Kims
NOK 165.00 /kg
250 g, Maarud
NOK 139.60 /kg
215 g, Kims
NOK 160.00 /kg
200 g, Kims
NOK 179.50 /kg
165 g, Pringles
NOK 175.15 /kg
3pk, 300 g, REMA 1000
NOK 53.00 /kg
190 g, Sørlandschips
NOK 146.84 /kg
240 g, Maarud
NOK 148.33 /kg
200 g, Nidar
NOK 234.50 /kg
Salt & Pepper, 250 g, Maarud
NOK 143.60 /kg
200 g, Maarud
NOK 209.50 /kg